Blue-sky thinking is about generating as many ideas as possible, getting your team to look at an opportunity with fresh eyes. You could write down everyone’s ideas on a flip chart or sticky notes, ask them to write down as many ideas as they can then displaying them on a wall.
or… Contact us to give you support. We are good at blue-sky thinking, we’ve been doing it for decades.
Brainstorming with no limits is a great way to achieve idea generation. Ideas don’t need to be based in reality, enabling thinking like this encompasses all creative ideas regardless of practicality because ideas can lead to other ideas which can lead to a successful strategy .
Our aim is to help individuals and companies to take control of their websites. We are more than happy to help with long or short term website management, to repair, rebuild or re-design any website in the UK or abroad. No project is too small for us, if you hire us for an hour or 12 months we will ensure you get our full attention and service.
We are a professional Web Services company based in Great Britain. Creating low cost, mobile friendly websites, optimised to suit your business needs.
Contact Us about blue-sky thinking ASAP.
Here is one of our blue sky projects – recycling musical instruments

Guitar Salvage
If you are looking for that missing part for your vintage guitar or building a Partscaster, then contact Guitar Salvage. Parts might be old (new) stock or preowned or made from a combination of new and recycled parts, either way they will be good value.
They are always looking for used spare parts and damaged electric guitars. Contact them and let them know what you have for sale.